New Turf Care: How to Look After Freshly Laid Turf

Newly laid turf in a garden.

Congratulations on your newly laid turf! Proper care and maintenance are essential to help your lawn thrive and create a beautiful outdoor space.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps and provide valuable tips on caring for your new turf. Whether you are a novice gardener or have some experience, this article will equip you with the knowledge you need to ensure your lawn flourishes.

Initial Aftercare for New Turf

After the turf has been laid, it’s crucial to give it the right aftercare. Water the turf immediately after installation, ensuring it is thoroughly soaked. This helps the roots establish firmly in the soil. Avoid walking on the turf during this initial period to prevent damage.

How Often to Water New Turf

Watering is essential for the health of your new turf. Water it daily for the first two weeks, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Gradually reduce the frequency to twice a week during the third and fourth weeks. After this, water your lawn deeply once a week, ensuring the soil beneath is sufficiently hydrated.

Is it better to water new turf in the morning or evening?

It is generally better to water new turf in the morning rather than in the evening. Watering in the morning allows the grass blades to dry throughout the day, which helps prevent disease and fungal growth. It also gives the turf ample time to absorb the water and utilise it efficiently.

Watering in the evening can result in prolonged moisture on the grass overnight, creating a favourable environment for diseases to develop. However, if watering in the morning is not possible, watering in the late afternoon is a viable alternative to allow time for the grass to dry before nightfall.

When You Can Walk on Your New Lawn

Knowing when and how to walk on your new turf is crucial to avoid damaging it. Wait at least two weeks after laying before walking on the lawn to give the roots enough time to establish. When it’s time to walk on the turf, do so carefully and distribute your weight evenly to minimise stress on the grass.

How To Mow Your Newly Laid Grass

Mowing is an essential aspect of lawn care. Wait until the grass reaches around 2-3 inches in height before the first mowing. Set your mower blades to a height of 1.5-2 inches for the initial mow, gradually increasing it to 2-2.5 inches for subsequent mowings. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time to maintain optimal health.

Addressing Common Issues with New Lawn

Newly laid turf may encounter some common issues, but you can address them effectively with proper care. If you notice any lifting or curling edges, gently press them down with your foot or use a lawn roller. Yellowing can occur due to various factors, such as over or under-watering. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly and address any nutrient deficiencies with a suitable lawn fertiliser.

Ongoing Lawn Care and Maintenance Tips:

To make sure your lawn says healthy and beautiful for the long term, follow these ongoing care tips:
  • Fertilise your lawn twice a year, in spring and autumn, using a slow-release fertiliser specifically formulated for turf.
  • Regularly remove debris, leaves, and weeds from your lawn to maintain its cleanliness.
  • Aerating your lawn once a year helps improve soil compaction and promotes healthy root growth.
  • Keep an eye out for pests and diseases. Promptly address any issues with appropriate treatments.

What is the best feed for newly laid turf?

The best feed for newly laid turf is a balanced and slow-release fertiliser specifically formulated for young or newly established lawns. Look for a fertiliser with a nutrient ratio that promotes healthy root development, such as a formulation high in nitrogen (N), moderate in phosphorus (P), and moderate in potassium (K). This will provide the necessary nutrients for the turf to establish and grow strong. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates and frequency to ensure proper feeding without overdoing it.

A Little Turf Care Can Go A Long Way

Caring for your newly laid turf is an investment of time and effort that pays off in the form of a lush, healthy lawn. By following these guidelines and implementing proper care techniques, you can ensure your turf thrives and provides a beautiful outdoor space for years to come.

If you need further assistance or want professional help with your garden or turf laying, don’t hesitate to reach out to Green Team Landscaping, a reputable north London landscape gardener and turf laying specialist.

Remember, maintaining your turf doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a little attention to detail and consistent care, you can enjoy the satisfaction of a vibrant and flourishing lawn. Happy gardening!